We're having a Valentines' Day dinner with the extended family on Saturday night. When we did this last year, the cousins were newly arrived from Hong Kong, and the boylet looked like this.
Now the kids have had a year of Australian school, weather and backyards and Toby is much bigger. Bet we can still get him to wear the wings though.
I've volunteered to cook, because I like to, and because something fell into my trolley at Costco last week. (Costco is dangerous that way.)
So the only question remains, what dessert to make?
I'm tossing up between a duo of pink desserts (the valentine theme is obvious):
paired with (because one Zumbo dessert isn't enough of a challenge...)
Or, if I want to go the also traditional chocolate for Valentines route, there's this little number.
Don't let the picture fool you. This baby has 6 different layers and textures of chocolate in it - a flourless biscuit sandwiching a chocolate tanzanie ganache with salted chocolate flakes, a layer of chocolate meringue, vanilla creme brulee, chocolate jelly and a chocolate saboyan mousse. All finished off with a chocolate mirror glaze and tempered chocolate.
(Yes, I am considering making this for 12 people. I get kind of insane in the dinner party planning phase. Luckily my husband accepts it as an adorable quirk.)
Or, to go non traditional and just because it looks delicious, there's always the more exotic barbados...
What to chose?
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